Visual Paradigm Enterprise

End-to-End Enterprise Architecture Tool Suite

Step-by-step Enterprise Architecture development with ADM guided process. Perform project management with PMBOK process map, user story mapping, visual modeling (UML, BPMN, etc) and more.

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Guided TOGAF ADM Process Map

Ever thought of adopting TOGAF without upfront training investment? Our industry-unique TOGAF Guide-Through process guides you through the entire ADM and produces all the deliverables with ease. Steps outline:

  1. Walk through the ADM phases under our TOGAF ADM navigator.

  2. For each phase, walk through the activities involved (as shown in the figure on the right).

  3. For each activity, follow the guidance to perform the actions required, which typically involves drawing diagram (e.g. Spider chart for Capability Analysis) and form-filling (e.g. Request for Architecture Work).

That's it! Your work is automatically formulated into deliverable form, readily be exported as TOGAF ADM deliverable.

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Plus a bunch of value-added cloud services, for FREE

Cloud services available in Visual Paradigm Enterprise

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A monthly subscription fee of Visual Paradigm



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* 每 6 个月为一结算期,收费为每月 $89

The best Enterprise Architecture tool for all businesses

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