Sweeper and Magnet

Sweeper and magnet are designed for moving a number of shapes together.
Resource-Centric Interface | Mouse Gestures | Inline Editing | Rich Text Documentation | Diagram Layout | Multiple Connector Styles | Sweeper and Magnet


To push a group of shape towards a direction, select Sweeper in diagram toolbar, press on the diagram and drag towards that direction.


To attract a group of shape towards a direction, select Magnet in diagram toolbar, press on the diagram and drag towards that direction.
Resource-Centric Interface | Mouse Gestures | Inline Editing | Rich Text Documentation | Diagram Layout | Multiple Connector Styles | Sweeper and Magnet
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Visual Modeling
UML Modeling
Use Case Modeling
Requirements Capturing
Data Modeling
Business Process Modeling
Object Relational Mapping
Documentation Generation
Code Engineering
User Interface
Visual Studio Integration
Eclipse Integration
NetBeans Integration