What is a Sprint?

After the front-line staff and system analyst have identified a set of user stories to be supported by the system, the stakeholders, analyst and representative of development team will sit together to find out the user stories to support first. These user stories are grouped into a logical, time-boxed iteration, known as a sprint. A sprint usually last for around two weeks to one month. The development team is expected to complete all the user stories within the sprint by the end date of the sprint, as agreed by all parties when in sprint planning. A project has multiple sprints and, by the end of each sprint, a semi-executable product will be delivered for the end user to test or even to use in production.

Why sprint?

Sprint provides both stakeholders and development team with a clear understanding on when to complete what. Within a sprint, the development just need to focus on completing a small set of system functions within an agreed, reasonable time-frame. This guarantees that your team can keep rolling out new functions that are ready for the end users to try and request for changes, instead of leaving the tasks incomplete forever.

Working sprint vs Planning sprint

A project is drived by sprints. When you finish a sprint, the next one commence.

The sprint that your team is working on is known as the working sprint, while the rest are known as planning sprints. Usually you start planning the next sprint when the working sprint is closed to finishing or after its finishing.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

Chapter 4. Sprint Table of Contents 2. Adding a sprint

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