Just-in-Time Process with PMBOK Tool

The customizable PMBOK® Step-by-Step Guide-Through Approach


Kick-start any size of projects with customizable PMBOK Process Map using just-in-time approach. Tailor the process by drag & drop work items from the gallery into the Just-In-Time Process. Create your own reusable work items with Work Item Composer to be included in the process. Generate deliverables automatically using pre-defined deliverable templates, or design your own deliverable documents with the Just-in-Time Doc. Composer at your own choice.

  • Just-in-Time PMBOK template
    The Just-in-Time PMBOK process, with phases as columns, knowledge areas as rows. The works to perform are plot inside the PMBOK process map.
  • Just-in-time, just-enough
    Follow-through the entire process step-by-step or skipping, adding or removing some of the PMBOK activities in just-in-time manner.
  • Just-in-Time form PMBOK filling
    Some work items require you to fill-in different forms. This screen shows the entering of project description in Project Charter (form).
  • Learn and use just-in-time
    There are instructions embedded in forms that teach you how to complete the form.
  • Clear instructions
    Fill the form and mark it completed, the pre-defined deliverable(s) associated with the PMBOK form will be automatically generated.
  • Project Management Repository
    Project Management Repository is where deliverables being archived. While deliverables are automatically archived, you can also put a file into a drawer manually.

Your Challenges

  • Hard to get Enterprise Architecture development started. It involves a lots of upfront investment, trainings and additional resources.
  • I like standard process (i.e. PMBOK, PRINCE2 or ITIL), but I need to tailor some of the steps or deliverables to fit my own needs.
  • I want to create some work items such as forms, meeting & templates, diagrams and be able to reuse them in an automated process tool in the future.
  • Produce the deliverables required by a standard is often tedious and very time consuming.
  • Streamline project management process and let our team stay competitive, able to response to change quicker in a an automated workflow.

Our Solution

  • Visual Paradigm's Just-In-Time Process provides easy-to-use Process Map for embedding the instructions, samples, steps, input references as work items to form a custom process such as, a modified version of PMBOK or PRINCE2 to fit your specific needs.
  • You may customize the out-of-the box standard templates by dragging or dropping work items in the Process Map.
  • You don't have to determine what work items to be included in the process upfront, but adding more and removing them in a just-in-time and just-enough manner.
  • A large collection of forms, work items have been developed and available in the Work Items Gallery to support the customization of process templates.
  • You can design your own forms, diagrams, meeting templates or logs as work items and put them in the gallery for reuse in the future.

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“PMBOK”是Project Management Institute,Inc。的商標,該公司在美國和其他國家註冊。

“TOGAF”是The Open Group的商標,該公司在美國和其他國家註冊。

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