Maximize Your Team Efficiency
and Productivity with PMBOK Tool

The customizable PMBOK® Step-by-Step Guide-Through Approach


People are facing great deal of difficulties on Project Management such as steep learning curve and high costs hiring certified professionals. Visual Paradigm's unique automated PMBOK tool provides all the help and guidance for jumpstarting IT project management with minimal costs.

Out-of-the-box Project Management in PMBOK Template

You can easily find hundreds of references in the topic of Project Management, but that will cost you hours of effort for searching the relevant information to move a step forward! Visual Paradigm provides you with inline, step-by-step guide-through instructions together with samples for each step.

  • Just-in-Time PMBOK template
    The Just-in-Time PMBOK process, with phases as columns, knowledge areas as rows. The works to perform are plot inside the PMBOK process map.
  • Just-in-time, just-enough
    Follow-through the entire process step-by-step or skipping, adding or removing some of the PMBOK activities in just-in-time manner.
  • Just-in-Time form PMBOK filling
    Some work items require you to fill-in different forms. This screen shows the entering of project description in Project Charter (form).
  • Learn and use just-in-time
    There are instructions embedded in forms that teach you how to complete the form.
  • Clear instructions
    Fill the form and mark it completed, the pre-defined deliverable(s) associated with the PMBOK form will be automatically generated.
  • Project Management Repository
    Project Management Repository is where deliverables being archived. While deliverables are automatically archived, you can also put a file into a drawer manually.

Key Benefits

  • Follow the one of the most widely used PMBOK® process template with pre-defined forms embedded with instructions and samples for your team to kick-start the entire process for incremental and collaborative deliverable development.
  • Overview and navigate the entire project management process within in the Just-In-Time Process. Drill down into different development phases to manage and collaborate with your team. Kickstart your IT projects with just-in-time and just enough approach with no hassle!
  • Form-filling deliverable composer
  • No need to worry about the deadline anymore! Visual Paradigm's unique guide-through process helps your team perform essential analysis, and gather the essential information for incrementally composing, storing and achieving the deliverables. You now only need follow the guide-through process step-by-step to get things done!
  • The Status of phases, activities and steps will be updated by the Project Progress Indicators as your team move and complete the work from one activities to another, so that you know where exactly you are.
  • Information gathered or deliverables developed will be archived in a configurable virtual cabinet classified under different categories. Relevant deliverables will be automatically embedded as input references for the subsequently development activities as needed, when they need to be refined, touching-up and updating.

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Who's using Visual Paradigm?

“PMBOK”是Project Management Institute,Inc。的商標,該公司在美國和其他國家註冊。

“TOGAF”是The Open Group的商標,該公司在美國和其他國家註冊。

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