Following Post

If you want PostMania to inform you when certain post has been replied, you can follow that post. By following a post, you will receive a notification when reply has been made to that post, like this:

Notification received
Notification received

The number indicates the number of unread notifications. The number will be decreased once you have checked a notification. To check a notification, click on the Message icon in the status bar to open PostMania.


To follow a post:

  1. Open the post to reply. You can open it from the PostMania Topic Pane or from the notification page.
    Opening a post
    Opening a post
  2. At the bottom of the PostMania Topic Pane, click Follow.
    Follow diagram
    Follow diagram

Related Resources

The following resources may help you learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

3. Posting and Replying Table of Contents 5. Managing Shared Diagrams (Viewer Based)

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