Association Options

Option Name Description
Show association stereotype (default true) Show the stereotypes assigned to an association.
Show from role name (default true) Show the role name of the from end of association.
Show to role name (default true) Show the role name of the to end of association.
Show from role visibility (default true) Show the role visibility of the from end of association.
Show to role visibility (default true) Show the role visibility of the to end of association.
Show from multiplicity (default true) Show the role multiplicity me of the from end of association.
Show to multiplicity (default true) Show the role multiplicity of the to end of association.
Show multiplicity constraints (default false) Show multiplicity constraint such as {unique} for roles.
Show direction (default false) Show a triangle mark on association for indicating direction.
Show association role stereotypes (default true) Show stereotypes assigned to role.
Show owned association end as attribute (default true) When you set the ownership at the end of an association (by right clicking on the association end and selecting "Owned by"), with this option on, an attribute will be created in the class on the opposite side.
Default Association End Navigable
  • Unspecified - A new association will set Navigable as Unspecified for both ends
  • True - (default) A new association will set Navigable as True for both ends
  • False - A new association will set Navigable as False for both ends
Default Association End Visibility
  • Unspecified - (default) A new association will set Visibility as Unspecified for both ends
  • private - A new association will set Visibility as private for both ends
  • protected - A new association will set Visibility as protected for both ends
  • package - A new association will set Visibility as package for both ends
  • public - A new association will set Visibility as public for both ends
  • protected internal (.NET only) - A new association will set Visibility as protected internal for both ends when programming language is set to be .NET
  • internal (.NET only) - A new association will set Visibility as internal for both ends when programming language is set to be .NET
Suppress implied "1" multiplicity for attribute and association end (default false) Suppress implied "1" multiplicity for attribute and association end.
Synchronize association name with association class
  • Prompt - Prompt if you want to make the name of association follow the association class when creating the association class
  • Yes - Make the name of association follow the association class when creating the association class
  • No - Do not make the name of association follow the association class when creating the association class
Synchronize association role name with referenced attribute name (default true) You can create a "Referenced Attribute" from an association end in the Association End Specification. With this option on, when you rename the referenced attribute, the name of association end (i.e. the role) will be updated accordingly.
Association Options details

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

6. Class Table of Contents 8. Generalization

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