How to Edit Project Properties of a Visual Paradigm Project?

In Visual Paradigm, you can specify the project name, main author of project, your company's name and a description of your project (in rich text format). With Project Properties window, you can edit and review your project properties. For your convenience, when you create another new project, all the properties of previous project are set as default, except project name. However, you can modify those default properties in accordance with your preference.

  1. Open Project Properties window by selecting Project > Properties... from the toolbar.
  2. Enter project name, author, company and project description. Click OK button to confirm and close the dialog box. Note that you can enter formatted text for project description.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you to learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

3. Organizing diagrams by Model Structure view Table of Contents 5. Switch to Diagram

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