Textual analysis

Textual analysis is a tool for recording customers' needs. Furthermore, it lets you extract key terms from a passage you recorded, and transform the terms to model elements or put them into glossary to build a project -based dictionary.


Documenting Requirements with Textual Analysis Tool

Document customers' needs by performing textual analysis.


Identifying important terms

Shows you how to identify glossary term from a passage recorded by textual analysis.


Identifying candidate objects

Shows you how to identify candidate model element from a passage. You selectively convert candidate to actual model element and visualize it in diagram.

Forming diagram from candidate objects

Shows you how to visualize candidate elements in a diagram.


Candidate pane view

A view that shows candidate elements in visualized form - as boxes.

4. Record and document software requirements in Requirement List Table of Contents 1. Documenting Requirements with Textual Analysis Tool

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