Page 21 - IT Project Management Framework - Planning
P. 21


                    Good Goals Are:

                         S                   M                      A                     R                     T

       Setting SMART goals is an important part of performance planning. So what does the acronym SMART represent?
       It represents five qualities your goals should have.

       They are:

       Specific  - Good goals are well-written and focused.
       Measurable  - There are concrete criteria for measuring progress of goal completion

       Attainable  - Set realistic goals. Don’t set goals that are too difficult to achieve or beyond the team’s capabilities. If such a goal is
                                  proposed by the user and cannot be changed, you may need to assess the other part of the planning, such as the
                          staffing plan, to see if the goal can be made attainable with more resource input
       Relevant  - Make sure the goals are relevant to the business objective

       Time-Based - Or sometimes called Time bound. Make sure a goal has a deadline defined.

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