Uninstalling Teamwork Server

First of all, if your ultimate goal is to upgrade server, read the server upgrade guide. If you are sure that you want to remove VP Server from your system, perform the steps below for an uninstallation.

  1. Run shutdown.bat (shutdown.sh for Linux and Mac OS X) in the scripts folder under the VP Server directory to stop the server.
  2. If you are using Windows and if Teamwork Server was installed as a windows service, don't forget to remove the service as well. To remove the installed service, run remove_service.bat in the scripts folder under the VP Server installation directory.
  3. Finally, you can delete the whole VP Server folder to remove it from the system. Note that this will delete the server repository as well if your repository folder is placed under the installation folder. Think twice before uninstallation.

Related Resources

The following resources may help you learn more about the topic discussed in this page.

1. Installing Teamwork Server Table of Contents Chapter 3. Server administration

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