Doc. Composer - Build from Scratch


Introduction to Doc. Composer's Build from Scratch Mode

Begin from a blank document, and then make use of the tools and element templates available in Doc. Composer to write and complete the document.


Creating a Document

Create a document in Doc. Composer, under Build from Scratch mode.

Overview of Doc. Composer

Quick look of the various part of Doc. Composer in Visual Paradigm.


Developing a Document Using Element Template

Learn how to easily build a document in Doc. Composer, with the Build from Scratch mode.


Working with Content Block

Learn how to edit content blocks in Doc. Composer, and how to move a block up and down.


Using Loop

Query children element of element selected in Diagram Navigator / Model Explorer with the help of the Loop tool.


Adding Custom Text

Include custom text content in a document with the help of custom text.


Adding Image

Insert pictures, logo images or whatever images into Doc. Composer. You will learn how to add image in this article.


Add Table

Structure data with table. In this article you will learn how to insert a table into Doc. Composer.


Adding Page Break

You will learn how to insert page breaks into Doc. Composer, under Build from Scratch mode.


Using Section

You will learn how to add and configure sections in Doc. Composer in this article.


Adding Table of Contents

A table of contents is a list of key parts of a document. In this article you will learn how to add table of contents into Doc. Composer.


Adding Revision Log

Record the version of document, the date/time when the change took place, the person who made the change and other necessarily remarks regarding the changes with Revision Log.


Adding Cover Page

A cover page is a page that can be added at the beginning of a document. In this article you will learn how to add cover page into Doc. Composer.


Various Page Display Options

Doc. Composer supports 4 display options: single page, single page continuous, two-up and two-up continuous. We will cover each of them in this article.

Keeping Your Document Updated

Since document maintains the linkage between project data and document content, you can refresh the document upon project changes. You will learn how it works in this article.


Writing Your Template

Instead of creating a document with built-in element templates, you can write your own. You will learn how to do this in this article.

Exporting a Document

In Visual Paradigm, there are three types of document available for exporting: HTML, PDF and Word. This article will demonstrate how to export a document.


Managing Element Templates in Team Environment

Share element templates among team members. Let the entire team to compose document based on a common set of element templates. See how it works in this article.


Managing Styles in Team Environment

Share styles configuration among team members. Let the entire team to compose document based on a common set of styles configuration.


1. Introducing Doc. Composer Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the Build from Scratch Mode

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